Seminar by Prof. Sanjib Senapati on 6 May, 2016

May 09, 2016

Prof. Sanjib Senapati, from department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, gave a talk at the School of Chinese Medicine on 6 May, 2016. The title of his presentation was “Nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in Tubulin dimer and the effects of Mutations: Insights into Microtubule Dynamic Instability”. His research interest involves protein dynamics, green chemistry, nano clusters, and In-vitro studies. He has published many papers in high-rank journals.


Prof. Li Min (right) with Prof. Sanjib Senapati (left) at SCM of HKBU.


Prof. Li Min and her team members with Prof. Sanjib Senapati at SCM of HKBU.


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