Mr. Su Cheng-Fu Successfully Defends Ph.D. Thesis on Novel Mechanism of Chinese Medicine Compound (-)Schisandrin B for Parkinson’s Disease Treatment
Mr. Su Cheng-Fu's research revealed a novel mechanism by which (-)Schisandrin B (Sch B) exerts a neuroprotective effect in Parkinson's Disease by targeting the ATG16L1/NLRP3 signaling pathway.
Prof. Li Min’s research team won the silver medal at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
The International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva is a grand event in the academic world every year, and winning awards is an affirmation for scholars. Professor Li Min, the Executive Associate Dean of School of Chinese Medicine (SCM), Ma Pak Leung Endowed Professor in Innovative Neuromedicine and the Director of Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research (CPDR), and her research team won the silver medal at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, held from Ap
Professor Min Li has been appointed as Ma Pak Leung Endowed Professor in Innovative Neuromedicine
Professor Li, the vice Dean (Education and Learning) of School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) and the Director of Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research (CPDR), was appointed as the "Ma Pak Leung Endowed Professor in Innovative Neuromedicine" starting in February of this year. This “Endowed Professorship” recognizes outstanding scholars who have achieved remarkable accomplishments in the field of innovative neuromedicine.
Professor Keqiang Ye Shares Views on Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
On August 14th, the College organized a lecture featuring Professor Keqiang Ye from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology. The topic of the lecture was "Pathogenesis and Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease." The lecture focused on the critical role of the C/EBPb/AEP signaling pathway in the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)是第二常见的神经退行性疾病,在中国约有两百万帕金森病患者。帕金森病的病理特征表现为错误折叠的α-突触核蛋白(α-synuclein)的异常堆积以及中脑黑质多巴胺能神经元的变性死亡。帕金森的临床表型包括多种运动和非运动症状,严重影响患者的生活质量。目前针对疾病的治疗方案主要是对症治疗,因此开发能够减缓疾病进程的神经保护药物具有重要科学和医学意义。自噬是细胞清除异常聚集蛋白和衰老受损细胞器的重要质量控制机制。自噬功能的损伤是衰老的标志,也是帕金森病的重要病理特点。因此修复和增
Team led by Professor Li Min discovers new molecular mechanism of autophagy in Alzheimer’s pathogenesis
Research led by Professor Li Min has revealed a new mechanism of the autophagy-related gene NRBF2 (Nuclear Receptor Binding Factor 2) in regulating the fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes, and the degradation of Alzheimer's disease-associated pathological protein, which suggests a potential new therapeutic strategy for the disease.
Chinese medicine student wins Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship
Sam Yuen, an MPhil student from the School of Chinese Medicine (SCM), has scooped the 2019-2020 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for postgraduate research students, making him one of the three awardees from the eight UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong.
Mr. Sandeep Malampati has passed his Ph.D. thesis Oral examination on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) treating drug, C1
Prof. Li Min’s research postgraduate student Mr. Sandeep Malampati from Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research has passed his Ph.D. thesis Oral examination on 20th-December-2020. He has done astounding research work on an Alzheimer’s disease (AD) treating drug, C1.
Dr. Benjamin Tong from the Teaching and Research Division won the “Best Poster Award” for his poster presentation
Dr. Benjamin Tong from the Teaching and Research Division won the “Best Poster Award” for his poster presentation at the 9th International Symposium on Autophagy held from 3 to 7 November in Taiwan.
Recognition of our excellent research work on Autophagy
CMTR PhD student Mr. Aston Jiaxi WU (3rd from the left) won the "Best Poster Presentation Award" in the 2nd China Conference on Autophagy (Hangzhou) held on 10 - 12 October 2019 for his outstanding poster presentation. Aston’s work is entitled "Altered ER-mitochondria contacts induce mitochondrial calcium overloading and impair mitophagy in AD models".
Miss Wang Ziying passed her Ph.D. thesis Oral examination on 13th August, 2019.
Prof. Li Min’s research postgraduate student Miss. Wang Ziying from Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research passed her Ph.D. thesis Oral examination on 13th August, 2019. Her research involves using TFEB activator E4 as a potential treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
The 3rd joint lab meeting of Prof. Li Min's research group, and other three research groups from University of Macau, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and Central South University was held
The 3rd joint lab meeting of Prof. Li Min's research group, and other three research groups from University of Macau, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and Central South University was held in Shenzhen.
Prof. Li Min’s Research team attended KEY STONE SYMPOSIA – SELECTIVE AUTOPHAGY at Westin Miyako Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
Prof. Li Min’s Research team attended KEY STONE SYMPOSIA – SELECTIVE AUTOPHAGY at Westin Miyako Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan. The goal of this symposium is to integrate and discuss the latest information about the underlying mechanisms of selective autophagy and its implication in diseases.
The 2nd joint lab meeting between Prof. Li Min’s research group and Dr. Lu research Jiahong’s group (University of Macau) in Hong Kong Baptist University
The 2nd joint lab meeting between Prof. Li Min’s research group from Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research (CPDR), Hong Kong Baptist University and Dr. Lu Jiahong’s research group from Institute of Chinese Medical Science, University of Macau was held on Hong Kong Baptist University, Dec 12, 2017.
SCM research team wins the Best Poster Award at the 1st National Congress of Autophagy
Professor Li Min and her research team from Mr and Mrs Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson’s Disease Research, School of Chinese Medicine (SCM), recently attended the 1 st National Congress of Autophagy held in Dalin, China, and won the Best Poster Award in this symposium.
Prof. Li Min’s research group attended 8th International Symposium on Autophagy (8th ISA), May 29 - June 1, 2017
Prof. Li Min’s research group attended 8th International Symposium on Autophagy (8th ISA), May 29 - June 1, 2017, one of the most prestigious international meetings in the autophagy field.
Prof. Li Min gave an invited talk for the “World Parkinson’s disease Day” on 9 April, 2017
Prof. Li Min was invited by Prof. Cai Xiaodong, Chief of the Functional Neurology Dept. of Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital (SZSPH) on 9 April 2017, to give a talk for the event of Shenzhen Parkinson's disease Association for the “World Parkinson's disease Day” in SZSPH.
Joint lab meeting between Prof. Li Min’s group and Dr Lu Jiahong’s group (University of Macau) in Macau
The 1st joint lab meeting between Prof. Li Min’s research group from Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research (CPDR), Hong Kong Baptist University and Dr. Lu Jiahong’s research group from Institute of Chinese Medical Science, University of Macau was held on University of Macau, Dec 21, 2016.
Seminar by Prof. Wei-Xing Zong on 22 August, 2016
Prof. Wei-Xing Zong from Department of Chemical Biology, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University gave a seminar at the School of Chinese Medicine on 22 August, 2016. The title of his talk was “Cellular stress in oncogenesis and therapy: proteostasis, redox regulation, and glutamine metabolism”.
Seminar by Dr. Diego Luis MEDINA on 15 Jun, 2016
Dr. Diego Luis MEDINA, from Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Napoli-Italy, gave a seminar at the School of Chinese Medicine on 15 Jun, 2016. The title of his presentation was “Lysosomal calcium signaling regulates autophagy via calcineurin and TFEB”.
Seminar by Prof. Sanjib Senapati on 6 May, 2016
Prof. Sanjib Senapati, from department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, gave a talk at the School of Chinese Medicine on 6 May, 2016. The title of his presentation was “Nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in Tubulin dimer and the effects of Mutations: Insights into Microtubule Dynamic Instability”.
In Oct., 2014, Hong Kong Baptist University received a generous donation of HK$5 million from Mr. and Mrs. Ko Chi Ming in support of the establishment of a research centre for Parkinson's disease. In recognition of the donors' generosity, the research centre located at 807 Room in the Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building was named the "Mr. and Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research (CPDR) ".......more
Welcome to the webpage of Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson’s Disease Research (CPDR). Established in October 2014, CPDR is a centre for translational and clinical research in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other neurodegenerative diseases.......more